100+ Notion Ideas to Organize Your Life
It is hard enough trying to meet up with school work, manage that small business, or level up some areas of your life. I totally understand. Now imagine feeling like your life is a mess and it seems like you can't seem to set up structures to organize your life so that you can be more productive.
I was once at this point, but Notion has really made a big difference. That is why I decided to come up with this blog post about 100+ notion ideas that you can use to organize your life.
Well, if you don't know about Notion yet, Notion is basically a virtual workspace that you can use for almost anything such as note-taking, task management, business management, and a lot more. In fact, it is so effective in organization and management. Therefore, if you've been looking for software to organize your life, host your daily journal, virtual notebook, shopping list, habit tracker, and so on, then Notion is for you.
In this article, we will take a look at notion templates, and notion page ideas that you can use to stay on track and organize your life. Let's cut to the chase and get started.
Journal Notion Ideas
A journal allows you to express yourself, improve your thought process and improve your communication skills. Having a journal is a great way to start organizing your thoughts, noticing patterns, and improving your mood. Here are some great journal ideas to organize your life.
img source: The Notion Bar by Frances Odera Matthews
1.The Dream Journal:
Document your dreams and aspirations with a dream journal, which is a great notion setup in case you want something to constantly remind you of your dreams and aspirations.
2. Bullet Journal:
Bullet Journal is not only good for giving you an overview of your life, but helps in visualization and reflection. You can convert any notion database into a bullet journal.
3. Food Journal:
If you are thinking of losing or gaining weight, a food journal will come in handy. You can track the food and drinks you take daily.
4. Gratitude Journal:
Gratitude journals are effective in taking your eyes off what you've not achieved to what you already have and creating a sense of gratitude and joy in you.
related article: Free Icons For Notion:10 Places To Find 100% Cute Icons.
5. Travel Journal:
Are you a traveler or do you have places you wish to travel to? A Travel Journal is a great notion idea.
6. Reading Journal:
Keep track of the number of books you've read in the year. You can divide your reading journal to Read and To Read notion pages to make navigation easier.
7. Plant Journal:
If you are a plant hobbyist, you can keep track of the plants you've grown, your care routine, their bloom seasons, and plants you will love to try later. You are free to add anything you love.
img source: Marie Poulin
8. Fitness Journal:
Has somebody goals? Track your fitness progress with a Fitness Journal Notion page.
9. Pregnancy Journal:
It is a great joy to be able to note down the growth range, feelings, findings, and worthy notes about your pregnancy journey.
related article: 51+ Free Aesthetic Notion Templates To Stay Organized
10. Ideas Journal:
Never lose track of any ideas again with an ideas journal. Thankfully, there are a lot of idea templates you can go with
11. Poetry Journal:
If you are a poet, inspiration does come at the oddest times. Thankfully, a notion page can help you document your poetry ideas.
2. Notion Habit Task Tracker Ideas
Habits are important in everyone's life because the sum total of your habits determines your lifestyle. So, it is important to keep track of your habits and find out the good ones, the bad ones, and the neutral ones that you should work on. Thankfully, you can create an effective habit task tracker on Notion, here are some ideas.
img source: Chii
12. Personal Habit Task Tracker:
Habits are an important player in how lives may turn out. Therefore, building the right habit is needed. Keep track of your new and old habits to know where you need improvement.
13. Relationship Habit Task Tracker:
A relationship habit task tracker helps you track the progress of your relationship habits and give you deep insight on what next to do.
14. Work Habit Task Tracker:
Track how productive you are, how well you stick to your tasks, and the little habits that reduce your productivity.
15. Health Habit Task Tracker:
Trying to improve your health? Add a Health Habit Task Tracker to your notion workspace.
16. Social Media engagement:
Habit Task Tracker: Track your engagement and how long you spend on social media with a Notion Habit Tracker Template.
img source: iNotion
17. Cleaning Habit Task Tracker:
Use Notion to improve your cleaning skills and create tasks that track your habits
18. Meditation Tracker:
Want to bring in some calmness? A meditation tracker is great for building healthy meditation habits.
3. Checklist Notion Ideas
Having a checklist that helps you track progress of your daily or weekly tasks is important in staying organized and leaving nothing out. For example, if you want to follow a specific exercise routine, you can create a checklist to stay on track. Here are some great checklist ideas to create with Notion.
img source: Trist
19. Self-Help Checklist:
Want to become a better person around? A self-help checklist will be great. There are notion databases dedicated to this.
20. Simply Daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly To-do List:
Great for keeping track of prioritized to-do lists for the whole year.
21. Checklist for starting a business:
Creating a business checklist for your new company/business is a great way to ensure no stone is left unturned.
22. Checklist for project:
Have some projects in mind? Create a checklist to ensure that you miss out on nothing
23. Shopping Checklist:
We all forget what we really wanted to buy and only remember when we come back from the mart. Eliminate this with a shopping checklist.
24. Travel Checklist:
Traveling soon? A notion checklist will help
25. Moving Checklist:
Planning on moving to a new apartment? Make sure you don't forget any information with a Moving Checklist
img source: Ev Chapman
26. Product Launch Checklist:
Whoo! The big day will soon be here! This is a great list to ensure that all i's are dotted and all t's are crossed.
27. Holiday Checklist:
We all love holidays and this will come in handy
28. Social Media Account set-up checklist:
Thinking un setting up a social media page or YouTube channel? Ensure you don't forget anything
29. Weekly Chore Chart Checklist:
A great way to create a system around your weekly chore chart.
30. Small Business Bookkeeping Checklist:
If you run a small business, keeping track of your money is super important, and this checklist can make it easier.
31. First-time Home Buyer Checklist:
Great for those purchasing their first homes
32. Yearly Homeowner maintenance checklist:
Home maintenance is tedious, and some processes may be skipped. Make sure that never happens with a yearly homeowner maintenance checklist.
related article: 23+ Best Notion Websites To Draw Inspiration!
34. Declutter Your Home Checklist:
I find this handy. Declutter your home like a pro.
35. Wedding preparation Checklist:
Planning a wedding can be stressful, you have to buy a lot of things and make sure everyone is catered for. Having a checklist where you see the things you need to fulfill is great.
36. Business Marketing Checklist:
Great for keeping a tab with your business marketing strategies and list.
37. Course Launch Checklist:
Find out everything you will be needing for a successful course launch
img source: Vyshnav Gangadharan
38. Blog Post Checklist:
As a blogger, you need to plan for every blog and a checklist will help you stay on course.
39. Summer Vacation Packing List
4. Student Notion Ideas
Life as a student isn't easy. You need to be up-to-date with lecture notes, take several courses and still study to pass all of them. Adding structure to your life as a student can be a major difference, and one way to do that is to create a notion template that helps you take care of stuff. Here are some great ideas of the notion pages you can create to keep your life organized.
img source: Abdul Rafay
40. Study dashboard:
A study dashboard keeps track of anything study ranging from study time, study plans, methods of study, checklist etc.
41. Aesthetic note-taking:
Make note-taking more fun with a notion note-taking template.
42. Class Schedule:
Keep track of your schedules.
43. Essay writing resources:
As a student, you will frequently write essays. So, it is important to have a place to keep all your essay writing resources for a faster workflow.
44. Student Study Planner
img source: Emma Studies — Free Printables
45. Pomodoro planner:
Pomodoro method has proven to be effective in studying and other areas. Having a Pomodoro planner will make a difference.
46. Student Resources:
Helps you store every necessary resource
47. Sticky Notes
48. Exam Preparation Calendar
49. Research sources organization
50. Library bookshelf database
51. Movies Database
5. Finance Notion Ideas
img source: Loegan
One of the most stressful things to keep track of is our finances, and it may cost us a lot if our finances are not properly managed. Little things like subscriptions, expenses and impulsive spending can be detrimental in the long run. Fortunately, you can take charge of your finances with the Notion App. Here are some great ideas to organize your financial state.
Budget: (Daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly)
Password organizer: create a safe/vault to track all your passwords
52. Debt Repayment Tracker:
comes handy if you usually forget to stay up to date with your debt payment.
53. Savings Challenges:
Stay afloat of your savings with a savings challenge. Challenge yourself or invite others to meet a savings target at a specific time.
54. Subscription tracker
related article: How To Create A Website With Notion
55. Investment Portfolio:
Keep track of your investment in one place.
56. Interest Calculator
57. Invoice Template
img source: Easlo
58. Yearly Financial Goal Setting Calculator
59. Expense tracking Calculator:
This will come in handy if you spend heavily. It will help to track your expenses and give you insight on your financial decisions.
60. Savings Trackers:
Tracks your savings against your savings goal.
61. Crypto Tracker
6. Research Notion Ideas
Before starting anything, whether a business, essay, work, etc. carrying out adequate research is necessary. However, we are often faced with the problem of structuring our research. Due to different sources and ideas, it can be difficult to draw out specific conclusions from our research. You can use Notion to eliminate that. Here are some great Notion Research pages ideas.
img source: Slow Is Better
62. Product research
63. SEO Keyword research:
Important for content marketers and bloggers.
64. Market research:
Market research is important for both small and large businesses, having a template that simplifies the process comes in handy.
65. Job Search
img source: Marco Elizalde
66. Competitor research:
Important for new business owners and existing business owners who want to up their games.
67. Apartment Search
68. A/B testing:
Integral for designers, business owners, and other types of professionals
69. Book Notes
7. Notion Dashboard Ideas
A notion Dashboard is a must-have when creating your workspace. It gives you an overview of everything happening in your workspace. You can access everything from your Notion dashboard. So, if you are a business owner or freelancer, a notion dashboard allows you to access any other page from there.
img source: Sija
70. Life Hub Notion Dashboard
71. Student Dashboard
72. Freelancer Dashboard:
Managing clients and projects can become a daunting task, especially if you have lots of deadlines, but having a dashboard where you can see everything you have to do can be a lifesaver
73. Business-owner Dashboard
74. Health Hub Dashboard
75. Personal knowledge management:
You can create a vault where you can access your other personal knowledge pages such as notes, reading pages, journals, ideas, and so on.
img source: Notionologia
76. Database of shortcuts
77. Agency Hub
78. Product inventory:
Keep track of all your products and never lose sight of what needs to be restocked at certain times.
79. Product suppliers database
8. Design Notion Ideas
Are you a designer of any kind? Or you are planning on doing a DIY design on your home soon? A design Notion template will come in handy. You can plan your all design process journey and store important information. Doing that will help you organize your career better. Here are some cool Notion pages you can use.
img source: Rachel How ✦
80. Color code snippets database
81. Color inspiration board
82. Interior design ideas:
If you are an interior designer, or you are brainstorming ideas for your new home, this notion page will come in handy.
83. Inspiration Wall
84. Business Assets database
85. Project Proposal
86. Advanced Notion Client Portal
87. Brand Strategy Template:
Trying to create a personal brand or a business brand? Having a brand strategy is important.
img source: Superfolks
88. Visual Direction Template
89. Brand Presentation
90. Brand Guidelines
91. Task and Project Management System
9. Food Notion Ideas
If you are a food lover, a food vlogger, a baker, or you are trying to keep track of your weight, then there are different templates to help you organize your Food. You can create a food timetable, add a meal planner, or have a Recipe database to store your delicacies’ information. Here are some great ideas for you.
img source: Shorouk Abdelaziz
92. Healthy Meal Planner (Daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly)
93. Camping Food Checklist:
Going on camping? Make sure you don't forget anything with a camping food checklist.
94. Pantry Restocking Checklist
95. Receipt database
96. Kitchen Inventory:
Keep track of everything in your kitchen to know what is running out and the new things you need to get.
img source: Notionologia
97. Metric Conversion Chart
98. Measurement Equivalents Chart
99. Holiday Meal Planner:
Holidays are fast approaching, and knowing the menu you will cook for friends and family is important. Make sure you stay on track with a holiday meal planner.
10. Notion Planner Ideas
Remember the popular quote of if you fail to plan, you are planning to fail? Planners are an integral part of keeping our lives together. It’s great to have a planner for everything. For your travel planner to planning your blog post. However, getting the right planner may be tough. But, here are some great inspirations for your next planning
img source: Sija
100. Personal Planner:
A personal plan is a must-have, and Notion simplifies the process. There are a lot of free and paid personal planner to get started with on Notion
101. Work Planner
102. Social Media Planner:
A social media planner will allow you to keep track of post dates, engagement, and other social media ideas you may have for your business
103. Party Planner
img source: Notion Valley
104. Goal Planner
105. Shopping wishlist:
Let's face it, there are some things we cannot get at the moment. But, creating a shopping wishlist will keep it in your mind until you are capable of getting them.
11. Notion Calendar Ideas
Stay on track with your plans. For example, if you have a fixed calendar for some activities such as publishing blogs, posting videos, meetings, and so on, it is great to have a functional calendar to put in your activities. Well, you don't have to worry about getting a physical calendar any longer, you can do that with Notion! Here are some great inspiration.
106. Editorial Calendar
107. Social Media Content Calendar
108. Business Plan
12. Notion Website Templates Ideas
Thinking of creating Notion Website Templates for your business or for sale? Whatever the case, here are some great website templates that you can sell or use for your business.
img source: Makiso
109. Blog Template
110. CV/ Resume Template
111. Notion Cover Templates
112. Notion Icons
Related article: How To Create A Website With Notion
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Now that we've gotten to the end of this article, I hope you've found tons of ideas to start organizing your life. Like I said earlier, Notion is a great software for task management and organization, and it comes with loads of Notion Templates that have been created for these ideas.